- Celebrating more than 20 years - established in 2001 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit school
- Beautiful open campus overlooking the Bay at 750 Witherly Lane, Fremont, CA 94539 in the Mission San Jose district
- Grades 7th-9th (Middle School) and 10th - 12th (Early college/college prep)
- School size 60-70 students
- Several week-long learning trips (biome study trips and ex-terms)
- Unique year-round schedule to optimize learning
The Middle School
- Four full time teachers
- Student: Teacher ratio of 7:1 for middle school
- Core offerings include Math, Sciences, Social Sciences, foreign language (Spanish), Art, AP Environmental Studies and Physical Education
- Electives and clubs include advanced art, advanced science, programming, current events, guitar, culinary, craft and yearbook
- Close knit community - students with the same set of teachers for three consecutive years
- Learning is rigorous, experiential and individualized
Middle School students working on the Science Solar Cooker project
The High School
- Early College program, in partnership with Ohlone College
- Students take a mix of on-campus, AP and Ohlone courses
- 100% of graduates attend four-year universities
- Students graduate with an average of 75 college units, to achieve junior status in their first semester at UC colleges
- One full-time instructor and guidance counselor